Duchamp’s Urinal

in Duchamp's Urinal

Glyn Thompson: More Duchamp Falsehoods Revealed

in Duchamp's Urinal

Who Signed Mutt’s Urinal?

Glyn Thompson

in Duchamp's Urinal

Glyn Thompson: Duchamp’s Urinal – I – He Lied

Presented with an easy choice between making a great deal of money for doing nothing and telling the truth, Duchamp voted for his pocket.
Glyn Thompson’s meticulous research here proves that virtually everything Duchamp said in 1966 about Fountain was a calculated lie. This inconvenient truth, which many scholars refuse to acknowledge even in the face of compelling evidence, is that Duchamp stole the idea, and the work, from Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven.

in Duchamp's Urinal

Glyn Thompson: Duchamp’s Urinal – II – Not Mott, Not Mutt, Not Marcel

in Duchamp's Urinal

Glyn Thompson: Duchamp’s Urinal – III – Richard Mutt’s Saccharine Centenary

in Duchamp's Urinal

Glyn Thompson: Duchamp’s Urinal – IV – Faulty Reasoning and Pure Fiction